As the focus of this month is on kindness, we wanted to highlight one of our long-standing dono
rs who give much of themselves in kindness as well as monetary support to help our mission. There are MANY of them, but this beautiful person came to mind as one who shares kindness in so many ways. Her compassion is contagious and you can’t help but smile when in her company.
There isn’t much to worry about when discussing the world’s problems with someone who has lived through 9 decades! Agnes Hayden, pictured with friends celebrating her 96th birthday, along with Robbie Carmichael, who celebrated her 95th in December reassured the rest of us (Sally Lewis and Robbie Kafcas on the right side of the table and Alison Arnold on the left side next to Agnes), that they have seen the pendulum of life cycles (and challenges) swing back and forth. Both of these amazing ladies were born just before the Stock Market crash and Great Depression. They have witnessed extreme poverty as well as many good times.

Agnes has been supporting our organization since before we had a database in 1980, from which point we have logged 43 gifts! She believes we’re “a good organization doing good work” and with her family foundation she supports children and basic needs for the community. Agnes has always had a love for children (she now has 6 great- grandchildren). She taught elementary school and served as a Girl Scout leader for many years. Agnes has lots of mottos (many posted throughout her home), but her favorite is, “Blessed are the flexible for they are never bent out of shape.” Life is so much happier when we learn to be flexible and go with the flow when plans change, rather than allowing things to bend us out of shape and not feeling gratitude for all that is right.