TLP program assists homeless youth
Lakoda Cregar is living a life of transformation due to her personal resolve and involvement with the Transitional Living Program for homeless youth.
In October 2017, Lakoda was homeless and living temporarily in a place fraught with chaos before she was referred to CFS' Youth Services program.
Cadillac teen learns what it was like to have a job
"I was in school through Hope Network and (last year) my teacher started talking all about this," Spivey said. "She asked me if I would like to do YouthWork, a program where I would get paid to work with others kids in Michigan and go around and help out."
Spivey worked on a crew of 3-6 youth supervised by an adult crew leader. "I liked how we would break up into groups and do different things," she said. "I liked to learn about timing and taking breaks. And it was easier to make friends, and that's challenging for me because of my anxiety. I overcame that."
Helping children heal from trauma
Last September, after fostering two brothers since 2017, Richardson adopted them into her family permanently. “I knew even before I met them that I was supposed to be their mother,” said Richardson.
Brenna lives on a hobby farm and is the band director at Brethren and Bear Lake schools. She was compelled to open her home after seeing the need directly. She met several foster or adopted children who were great kids and really amazing.