Co-parenting & parenting skills class.
Child & Family Services offers the “Always a Parent” program to parents who want to improve their parenting skills or who are having difficulty communicating with a co-parent.
“Always a Parent” emphasizes the impact of parents’ behavior on their children, and teaches parents positive, effective, cooperative communication techniques in an enjoyable, interactive way.
Classes are offered the last two Thursdays of every month, from 9am -12 noon, via secure Zoom.
Get answers to these and other questions:
Why is my child so “out of control?”
How do I get my child to take responsibility?
How can I get my children to tell me what is bothering them?
How can I have a peaceful home?
How do I keep my child safe?
What if parents cannot agree on how to raise their children?
How does domestic violence affect children?
What You Can Expect:
All classes are held at Child & Family Services
$100 fee includes sessions, more than two dozen handouts, and certificate of completion. Please talk with us if you’re concerned about paying for services.
Certificate issued upon successful completion of the class.
Class Topics Include:
Successful Conflict Resolution
How to discipline with love
How parental behaviors impact children
How to co-parent successfully
Understanding how your child thinks
How the brain works when we're feeling big emotions
Helping your children (and yourself!) deal with feelings
How to balance your family time
How to effectively communicate with your children and your co-parent
Raising a child to be a responsible person
Trauma and how it impacts parents and children
Understanding the power of emotions
The importance of family meetings and how to have them
Different parenting styles


Karen McCarthy, MA, LPC, CCTP
Clinical Counselor, Traverse City
Karen received her MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Western Michigan University, after working as an educator and a monitor in our Safe Haven Program. She has training in Infant Mental Health, TraumaPlay Therapy, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Family Systems, and Attachment. Karen offers therapeutic visitation and groups and classes like our Always a Parent Program, which helps parents learn new parenting and communication skills.

3785 Veterans Drive., Traverse City, MI 49686